Projecção Vídeo DVD (pal), cor, vidro, som mono, 0:38 min (looped)

Alexandre Estrela
Le Moiret, 2010
Projection Video DVD (PAL), colour, glass, mono sound, 0:38 min (loop)

In the film Pour le mistral (1965), filmmaker Joris Ivens tries to capture the wind. After the completion of the film, Ivens admitted having failed, as he could only register the mistral by recording its side effects. Le Moiré is a new attempt to capture the wind and to then release it as its image is projected. A video shot in Bretagne of a palm tree ravaged by the wind is projected onto a glass screen with white stripes. The piece is installed in a corner so that the projected image forms an enclosed area. The glass panel splits the light cone in two, creating two projection surfaces – the image on the glass and the projection in the corner. Within this concentrated image space, the movement and the sound suggest the formation of wind trapped in a corner. The superimposition of these images creates an optical side effect called ‘moiré’.